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Qualys Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated


Torii integrates with Qualys and syncs the users: RoleStatus, and last used date.

Connect Qualys integration to Torii

To connect Qualys to Torii, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Integrations page and click on the Qualys tile
  2. Click on Connect
  3. In the Connect Qualys window, enter the API URL
    To get the API URL, identify your Qualys platform (in the “Your platform” table) and copy the URL initial address (from the “API URLs” table) mceclip1.png
  4. Enter the Qualys User Name and Password
  5. Click Connectmceclip0.png
  6. Once the integration is connected and synced, it will display a green checkboxmceclip3.png

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