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Miro Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated
Setup the Miro integration and get all the insights in Torii's dashboard



Torii integrates with your Miro account and syncs the following attributes:

  1. List of users and their roles
  2. Licenses
  3. Usage - Available for organization-level integrations

Furthermore, you can automate Miro onboarding and off-boarding using Torii workflows.

Torii collects data about the entire organization, including all teams. Torii is able to retrieve usage data and Miro's most accurate license data, including Full Member, Free Member, and Guest license types.

Please note - this integration requires an Enterprise Plan with Miro to connect.

Connect Miro integration to Torii

Connect Team level account type

  1. Log in to Torii
  2. From Integrations, go to Miro >> Connect
  3. Choose permissions and the Team level scope (for Torii's actions, Read and take action permission is required).
  4. Click Connect
  5. Repeat for every team you wish to connect

Connect Organization level account type

Note that the organization level required an Enterprise plan with Miro. 

For organization-level integration, a single connection is enough. Torii can pull all data about the entire organization using a single connection, including all teams.

Organization-level access requires the following permissions:

  • organizations:read

  • organizations:teams:read

  • organizations:teams:write

To enable fetching usage data, the user connecting the integration must be a "Company Admin" within Miro.

  1. Go to the Integrations page and select the Miro tile
  2. From Integrations, go to Miro >> Connect
  3. Choose permissions and the Organization level scope.
    Note that at an organization level, you can use Torii's action "Delete Miro user from the organization." To achieve it, you will need:
    • Miro's SSO/SAML & SCIM enabled 
    • Read and Take action permission 
  4. Optional, enter the "SCIM Provisioning Token" if you want to be able to perform the "Delete Miro user from the organization" actionmceclip4.png
  5. Click Connect
  6. Install and authorize - You will be asked to select a team to connect
    We recommend selecting the largest team presented, which in fact, is the
    the organization itself (an organization is also a type of team).
  7. Click Install & authorize.mceclip2.png

Integration Information and actions

You can always be updated with integration information and actions from our Integrations Page >> Integration Capabilities button (1) >> Integration Capabilities table (2).

Note the following:

Team level - If a removed user owns any boards or projects, they also will be removed.
After deleting the "Team admin," you will be able to restore the deleted items from the team's trash.mceclip0.png

    • Organization level - the boards are automatically assigned to the team's admin and are not removed from Miro.

Action Configuration

  • Team-level connections - We will automatically select the team selected upon connection.
  • Organization-level connections - You will be able to select any one of the teams in your organization.

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