Learn about the data that can be synced from Atlassian and Jira Cloud
Atlassian vs. Jira Cloud integrations
Torii supports two integrations: Atlassian and Jira Cloud. Both integrations allow you to sync data into Torii, and to take actions on Atlassian and Jira Cloud accounts from within Torii.
What is the difference between the Atlassian and Jira Cloud integrations?
The Atlassian integration syncs data from the Atlassian Organization level. It includes information on all managed users who have an email address with a verified domain.
You may see information that spans multiple Jira sites, OpsGenie accounts and any other Atlassian software. You will not see users who are not managed.
The Jira Cloud integration syncs data directly from a specific Jira site and allows you to see and manage users and their licenses. You will see all users of the site and there is no need to verify your domain with Atlassian. Users who have configured their email to be hidden, will not be synced into Torii.
Which integration should I choose?
If you use the Atlassian admin dashboard to manage your Jira sites, use the Atlassian integration. It can help you find Jira sites you were not aware of, and other products being used in your company by any managed user.
If you use your specific Jira site admin dashboard to manage your site, use the Jira Cloud integration.
Can the two integrations be used together?
Yes. You are advised to connect both the Atlassian and Jira Cloud integrations. In this case, some users may be shown both under the Atlassian app and the Jira app on Torii.
What to expect from the Atlassian integration?
If you visit the Atlassian Admin dashboard, you should see your Atlassian organization and its sites. In the following example, the organization is "example-organization" and "Jira Core (example.atlassian.net)" is one of its sites (in this case, the only site):

Tip: You will know if you are viewing the "Organization level admin page" or "Site level admin page", by inspecting the address bar. The Organization level will have the structure of https://admin.atlassian.com/o/.../overview
(not the bolded o which stands for organization).
Navigate to the "Directory" page on the top navigation and then choose "Managed accounts" on the left menu:

This is the list of users and products that will be synced into Torii. You will see active and deactivated users, their product access and more details.
Managed Users
This view shows the Managed Users on your Atlassian account. Managed Users are all the users that have an email address with a domain of your company. To add domains and claim users, see the Domains tab as seen on the screenshot above.
Where is the licenses list coming from?
The licenses list is derived from the products assigned to each user on this list. You may have additional unassigned licenses, but the Atlassian integration currently only lists assigned licenses.
What are the benefits of integrating with an Atlassian organization?
When creating an Atlassian organization, you can add and verify your domain. When doing so, you will be able to claim all the users with an email with this domain. This allows you to have a better view of all users across all Jira instances. It is typical for companies to discover users on sites that were used under the radar.
What to expect from the Jira Cloud integration?
When managing users of a specific Jira sites, Torii will only sync in users with access to products on this Jira site.
Users may have access to multiple licenses such as Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Management and Confluence.

Users who have configured their email to be hidden on their Atlassian profile page, will not be synced by the integration.