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GoToMeeting Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated
Set up GoToMeeting integration and get all the insights in Torii's dashboard


Torii integrates with GoToMeeting and syncs:

  • Users list - All users subscribed to GoToMeeting with the company email.

  • User status - Active, Inactive, Pending

  • Last logged in time - When was the last time GoToMeeting was used for hosting/joining

  • License types - Pro, free


  • Torii can support multiple accounts
  • Once integrated, Torii will sync GoToWebinar (and other related products) licenses 


To connect the integration - you are required to be a GoToMeeting administrator.

Connect GoToMeeting integration to Torii

To connect GoToMeeting to Torii, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Integrations page and click on the GoToMeeting tile

  2. Click on Connect

  3. Click Connect to connect to GoToMeeting and approve permissions

  4. Allow Torii to access the information

  5. Once the integration is connected and after the first sync you will receive a green checkmark indication


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