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Calendly Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated
Set up Calendly integration and get all the insights in Torii's dashboard


Torii integrates with your Calendly account and syncs: users list, names, emails, roles, and license.

With Torii, you can also perform the following actions:

  • Invite users to Calendly

  • Remove users from Calendly

Note, that Torii can support multiple Calendly accounts.


Connect Calendly integration to Torii

  1. From the Torii Integrations page, click on the Calendly tile

  2. Click Connect to connect to Calendly

  3. In the Connect Calendly box, select the Read or Read and Take action option.
    Read: View basic information about members' accounts like users' names and emails.
    Read and Take action: Allow Torii to view users' lists, license data, and manage users.

  4. Click Connect

  5. You will be redirected to Calendly to approve access
    Click continue


  6. Once the integration is connected and synced, it will display a green checkbox.

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