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OneLogin Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated
Setup your OneLogin integration and get all the insights in Torii's dashboard


  • Torii integrates with your OneLogin account and syncs the list of users, statuses, roles, licenses, and usage.
  • You can sync multiple OneLogin accounts
  • You can also use Torii for workflow automation with actions like creating and Removing users, Assigning a role to OneLogin users, and more.

Prerequisites in OneLogin 

  1. Access OneLogin as an account owner or administrator.
  2. Go to Developers > API Credentials.
  3. On the API Access page, click New Credential.
  4. Your OneLogin account can be integrated as:
    • "Read-Only" for you to see your OneLogin data within Torii
    • "Read/Take Action" to create workflows and take action directly through Torii.
      Note that when creating API credentials, select the "Manage all" permission.
      This is a requirement by OneLogin for both Read only and Read and take action access.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret.

Connect OneLogin Integration

  1. Go to the Integrations page and click the OneLogin tile
  2. Click Connect
  3. Choose the permissions type, and note that "Read and take action" permission is required to use Torii's actions
  4. Enter OneLogin Client ID and Client Secret
  5. Provide the subdomain - https://<subdomain>

Integration Capabilities and Actions

You can always be updated with application information and actions from our Integrations Page >> Integration Capabilities button >> Integration Capabilities table.

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