- Torii integrates with your EZOfficeInventory account and syncs the users' roles, statuses in the app, and licenses.
- Note that Torii can support multiple EZOfficeInventory accounts.
Connect EZOfficeInventory integration to Torii.
- Go to the Integrations page and select the EZOfficeInventory tile
- Click Connect to EZOfficeInventory
- In the Connect EZOfficeInventory window, enter the Access token (Secret key)
To generate the Acess token, go to EZOfficeInventory Settings (1)>> Go to ADD ONS (2) >> Eenable (3) API for the company (disabled by default), and copy the key.
- Enter the EZOfficeInventory Organization URL (such as ‘business.ezofficeinventory.com.’) and click Connect.
- Once the integration is connected and synced, it will display a green checkbox.