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Ashby Integration

Noga Tubi
Noga Tubi
  • Updated
Setup the Ashby integration and get all the insights in Torii's dashboard


Torii integrates with your Ashby account and syncs the users' names, emails, statuses, and roles 

Connect Ashby Integration

  1. Go to the Integrations page and click the Ashby tile
  2. Click Connect
  3. Enter Ashby API key
  4. Click Connect
  5. Once the integration is connected and synced, it will display a green checkbox.

Getting Ashby API Key

  • Sign in to Ashby and click “Admin” in the top navigation bar
  • Click on “Integrations” on the left panel of the screen. 
  • Select Torii and click +Create API key for Torii.” Copy the value provided. You could also save the key somewhere secure for future reference.

Integration Capabilities

You can constantly be updated with application information from our Integrations Page >> Integration Capabilities button >> Integration Capabilities table

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